Our Mission

To help achieve that vision, HIF supports innovative solutions in the delivery of health, wellness, and social services to help address social determinants of health, and to improve life expectancy.

Grant Guidelines

The Healthcare Initiative Foundation considers grants to 501(c)(3) healthcare nonprofits that are based in Montgomery County, Maryland, or to nonprofits that have county-based health programs activities. To access HIF’s online grant portal, click here.

Within our geographic and focus area, our three Strategic Goals are:

  • To support affordable, integrated, culturally responsive health and wellness systems across the lifespan;
  • To support comprehensive behavioral health services across the lifespan; and
  • To increase effectiveness of and improve accessibility to health, wellness, and social services, we support convenings and collaborations amongst stakeholders that improve and integrate services.

Click here to view HIF’s Strategic Goals and Actions.


We generally consider new grants only after we make a site visit.

    • To be considered for a possible site visit, send a brief, informal email (2 paragraphs or less) about your organization, its mission, programs, and clientele to: [email protected].


    We make grants that:

      • Start or grow well-conceived programs/organizations;
      • Offer innovative solutions to improve the quality, accessibility and/or delivery of health and wellness services;
      • Replicate and scale successful programs and services from our own or other jurisdictions;
      • Serve HIF’s strategic priority areas and historically under-invested communities and populations (e.g,. youth of opportunity, senior communities, and Black, Indigenous, People of Color [BIPOC]);
      • Build organizational capacity to enhance sustainability and/or improve service delivery  (e.g., commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion); and
      • Leverage resources, whether human or financial (e.g., revenue, partnerships, matching, or aligned funds).


      We do not:

        • Give to endowment funds or annual campaigns;
        • Fund lobbying or political activities;
        • Make grants to individuals;
        • Provide funds to private foundations unless for a particular grant purpose;
        • Fund a nonprofit system or organization, including its affiliate(s) that owns or operates an acute care hospital in Montgomery County, Maryland;
        • Provide funds to cover bricks and mortar capital expenses;
        • Replace government funding; or
        • Fund religious activities, although secular health programs provided by a religious institution or its affiliate(s) may qualify.


        We take a comprehensive view of each application:

          • Full compliance and in good standing with relevant state, federal, and county regulations;
          • Financial sustainability of the organization (i.e., regular independent audits, Directors and Officers [D&O] insurance);
          • The quality, completeness, and comprehensiveness of the application;
          • Compliance with grant guidelines and agreement in current and previous cycles;
          • Feasibility of planned program, project, and organization to implement the request;
          • Attended a HIF grantee training and hosted a HIF site visit;
          • Amount requested and allocation of funds aligns with HIF guidelines; and
          • Geographic area of the county to be served (i.e., historically under-invested communities).